
This paper introduces a AudioMAE, ie, simple extension of image-based Masked Autoencoders (MAE) to self-supervised representation learning from audio spectrograms. It sets new state-of-the-art among models with In-domain self-supervised pre-training, ie, not including out-of-domain supervised pre-training.

Model Architecture and Implementation

  • Preprocessing
    • audio recording -> Mel spectrograms -> non-overlapped regular grid patches.
  • Embedding
    • Linear projection: patches -> flattened and embedded
    • add sinusoidal positional embeddings
    • convolutional kernels with (16, 16) size and stride in time and frequency.
  • Masking
    • unstructured high-ration (80%) masked during self-supervised training
    • structured (time+frequency) low ratio during supervised fine-tuning
  • Encoder
    • 12-layer ViT-Base, standard transformer, with 20% non-masked patches to reduce computation overhead n^2.
  • Decoder
    • encoded patches padded with trainable masked tokens
    • restore the order manually
    • add decoder’s (fixed sinusoidal) positional embeddings
    • standard transformer blocks again, 16-layer with shifted local attention, not global nor hybrid.
    • linear head to predict and reconstruct input spectrogram
  • Local attention mechanism
    • In decoder along with global self-attention, local attention mechanism which groups and separates the spectrogram patches in to local windows in self-attention for decoding.
    • Two types are studied
      • Shifted window location inspired by Swin Transformers
        • Shift window attention by 50% between consecutive Transformer decoder layers
        • To pad the margin when shifting, cyclically shift the spectrogram to top-left direction
      • Hybrid window attention (global + local attention)
        • computes local attention within a window in all but the last few top layers
  • Loss
    • MSE between the prediction and the input spectrogram, averaged over unknown patches.
  • Finetuning
    • AudioMAE encoder alone is used
    • Optional Masking: can remove portion of patches to further regularise learning from a limited view of spectrogram inputs, as a side effect , also reduces computation during fine-tuning.
    • Average pooling layer followed by linear layer on top for fine-tuning in classification tasks.
  • Techniques:
  • Additional Details
    • we transform raw waveform (pre-processed as mono channel under 16,000 sampling rate) into 128 Kaldi compatible Mel-frequency bands with a 25ms Hanning window that shifts every 10 ms. For a 10-second recording in AudioSet, the resulting spectrogram is of 1×1024×128 dimension.
    • During fine-tuning, we employ a lower masking ratio (0.3 in time and 0.3 in frequency)

AudioMAE vs AST

  1. Positional Embeddings: AST uses learned whereas AudioMAE uses sinusoidal.
  2. Encoder Architecture: AST uses standard transformer encoder, whereas AudioMAE paper mentions using ViT-B which is same as standard transformer encoder.
  3. AST is encoder only architecture for supervised learning, whereas AudioMAE is encoder-decoder for SSL.


  • TBA


  • TBA

Extended Research Direction:

  • TBA
  • In paper multimodal self-supervised learning with a joint audio-visual MAE approach as these domains share natural correspondences in video data.