Lasso and Ridge are regularisation methods used to find optimally complex model, which is as simple as possible while performing well on training data.
- Optimally complex model balances bias and variance.
When Lasso When Ridge
- [Lasso]: To remove unnecessary features
- [Ridge]: To build robust model
Feature Selection using Lasso
- Orange contour represents the regularisation term contour and blue contour represents the error term contour.
- The points where error term and regularisation terms are tangential to one another are the possible optimal solutions for which cost function can be minimised.
- The chances that two contours will be tangential to one another on x or y-axis are very unlikely to happen in Ridge, so it’s difficult to have sparse solution.
- Since lasso has faces, corners, and sides in high-dimensions there are high chances that two contours are tangential to one another on x or y-axis.