
Many other seemingly distinct Computer Vision tasks (such as object detection, segmentation) can be reduced to image classification.

Image classification is solved through data-driven approach.


Any alternatives other than data-driven approach for Image Classification.



Because Computer Vision algorithms take raw representation of images as a 3-D array of brightness values.

Non-exhaustive challenges are:

  • Viewpoint variation
  • Scale variation
  • Deformation
  • Occlusion
  • Illumination conditions
  • Background clutter
  • Intra-class variation

Image Classification Pipeline

  • Input: A set of N images, each labeled with one of K different classes. [training set]
  • Learning: Use the training set to learn what every one of the classes looks like. [training a classifier] or [learning a model]
  • Evaluation: Evaluate the quality of classifier on a new set of images that it has never seen before. Predictions should match up with the true answers (which we call ground truth).

Nearest Neighbour Classifier

  • It is rarely used in practice.
  • Given the training set and test set; find nearest neighbour of each test sample using L1/L2 distance.
  • [k-nearest neighbour classifier] Higher values of k have a smoothing effect that makes the classifier more resistant to outliers.

Validation sets for Hyperparameter tuning

  • [Validation] Split the training set into training set and validation set. Use validation set to tune all hyperparameters.
  • At the end run a single time on the test set and report performance, ie, generalisation.
  • [Cross-validation] Split the training set into k-fold, where 1 fold is used as validation set in each turn, and average over all performances on validation sets is used for hyperparameter tuning.


Cross-validation has same different trained model across different validation set selection from the k-fold sets of the training set.

  • Raw-pixel based L1/L2 distance is very counter intuitive, because of many realistically simple reasons.
  • K-nearest Neighbours is very computational complex during test time, and very intuitive and easy and training time.


  • If there are many hyperparameters to estimate, you should err on the side of having larger validation set to estimate them effectively.
  • If you are concerned about the size of your validation data, it is best to split the training data into folds and perform cross-validation.
  • If you can afford the computational budget it is always safer to go with cross-validation (the more folds the better, but more expensive).

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